Coach: Brian Sos
Phone: (619) 666-9192

Lilly Harper #

Positions: P 3B

Bats: R Throws: R

Height: 65
Weight: 130
Grad Year: 2027


High School Information

Graduation Year: 2027
High School: Escondido Charter High School
HS Address / City / State: 1868 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido, Ca 92027
GPA: 4.0
Anticipated College Major: Kinesiology

Highlights & Achievements

Softball Highlights:
2027 Coastal League 1st team all league
2027 Coastal league Pitcher of the Year
2027 Pitcher of the year (team award)
Academic Achievements & Extracurricular Activities :
2027-Algebra 2 student of the year
2027-Honor Roll 4.0

Private Coaches

Pitching Coach: Monica Fenton 760 443 8571

Stats, Highlights & Videos

High School 2027
-Games 26
-Innings Pitched 92.0
-ERA 0.99
-Strikeouts 112
-Batting Avg. .405
Travel 2027
-Games 105
-Innings pitched 221.2
-ERA 3.18
-Strikeouts 219
-Batting Avg. .372


8/25/2024 Cal State Fullerton camp